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What's Noema Noesis?

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Noema Noesis



 一般社団法人全日本合唱連盟が企画する日本全国からユース世代(18~28歳)の若者を集めて行われる合宿型合唱キャンプ、JCAユースクワイアの第3回(2014年3月、於 津市)において、アシスタントコンダクターを務めた堅田優衣の呼びかけにより結成。新たな合唱の可能性を開拓すべく全国の若者と短期間で高度な音楽を作り上げるスタイルで活動する。実験的な試みに加えて、そこにメッセージ性のある、もう一度聞きたい音楽を目指す。

Our chorus is named after concepts proposed in Ideen written by an Austrian philosopher Edmund Husserl. Briefly, Noema is things to be thought and Noesis is to think. We are aiming impressive music by thinking deeply on our performance and trying various kinds of voice performances as our name shows.


    This chorus was founded in 2014 by Yui Katada, who was the assistant conductor in the 3rd JCA Youth Choir held by Japanese Choral Association, and singers in the session. We hold a chorus camp once or twice in a year, where we have intensive rehearsals and hold a concert on the last day. We try various kinds of performance aiming for impressive music.

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